The first Trump-Biden debate

Finally, I had a break to write something about it.

What a trainwreck... At half time I already decided not to watch the next debates. It was so terrible. My only consolation was, based on the press, that half the world felt the same.

Trump was, and I don't find any better word to describe him, aberrant. At this point, whether he is mentally ill or just a pathetic, repulsive moron is a distinction without a difference.

Chris Wallace, the moderator, has been heavily criticized for his performance, I think fully undeservedly. A debate requires that the contestants have at least a modicum of dignity and sense of fair play. The only way to rein Trump in would have been the threat of physical violence. Wallace did as well as anyone could have in his place.

Biden was neither sharp, nor particularly dull. It was a mediocre performance, and the viewers didn't get the chance to see how he would perform in a normal world. I personally expected more. Apart from his intensity, Trump said nothing surprising, nor did he act in any novel way. The topics were known to everyone before the event: economy, COVID, race, the family, etc. If I had been Biden's trainer, I would have had him memorize catchy soundbites dripping with mockery, ready to shoot from the hip. Something like "You want to talk about 'smart', Donald? You (in a voice mixing contempt and amusement)? The rich man's idiot son, who inherited hundreds of millions from daddy and squandered it all? You are a joke." Or "have you made up your mind about the pandemic yet? What's the best way to defeat it? Drinking disinfectants or shouting your name in each others' faces in one of your rallies? You know, on the ones where people actually turn up. Not the Tulsa one." Maybe not everyone would find it funny, but hey, I'm not a stand-up comedian. 

On Trump's performance, I almost agree with Jerry Coyne.

"There are those who will vote for Trump, and now I see nearly all of them as deplorables. I didn’t like Hillary Clinton using that word four years ago, but that was before we’d seen Trump’s performance as President. If you want him for another four years, then I think you’re either delusional or in love with tyrants (or both), and lack all political judgment."

Almost. Not everyone voting for Trump is deplorable. But who are not, they do lack all political judgment. That is, they don't deserve to be asked for their opinion. Ever.

Who won the debate? The consensus is that everyone lost. But I just can't believe anyone came away from it feeling a stronger commitment to Trump. His only, extremely narrow way to power may be to double-down and charge ahead. But on Tuesday I think it cost him voters.

Telling neo-fascists to "stand by"? Flat-out refusing to accept the election result beforehand? I just can't believe it's happening. 


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